Category: Rhode Island

  • Rhode Island Travel and Info Registration System Conference and Hotel Information Who Should Attend?All employers, employees, insurance companies, agents, healthcare organizations, third party administrators, managed care organizations, attorneys, researchers and students will receive valuable workers’ compensation information at this Conference. Registration Fee The fees for attending this informative conference are: $425 Early bird registration on or before March 15,…

  • Rhode Island Exhibitor Terms Registration System ATTENTION EXHIBITORS Fee of $850 includes two (2) complimentary registrations for exhibitor representatives. A separate registration form should be completed for each additional registrant. Space is offered on a first come, first served basis and will only be reserved upon our receipt of your registration form.For additional information regarding exhibit area, contact…

  • Rhode Island Exhibitor Registration Registration System Exhibitor Registration Registration is now closed. Thank you for a successful event! Proceeds from this event, if any, go to the nonprofit International Workers’ Compensation Foundation (FEIN# 35-1737364), to further its work in workers’ compensation education and outreach.

  • Rhode Island Attendees Registration System Attendee Registration Registration Fees: $425 per person paid on or before March 15, 2024 $475 per person paid thereafter  Registration is now closed. Thank you for a successful event! Proceeds from this event, if any, go to the nonprofit International Workers’ Compensation Foundation (FEIN# 35-1737364), to further its work in workers’ compensation education…

  • The Rhode Island Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference 2024 Registration System

  • Rhode Island Sponsorship Registration System Sponsorship Opportunities You are invited to register as a sponsor for the 2024 Rhode Island Workers’ Compensation Educational Conference. The following sponsorship levels are available: Diamond: $2,500 Contribution  Gold: $1,000 Contribution  Silver: $500 Contribution  Please complete the form below to secure your sponsorship: Registration is now closed. Thank you for a successful…